If you’re a dog owner, you notice them wagging their tail frequently. We usually interpret this as a positive sign, or sign of excitement, but the bias of the tail wag can actually tell us what state the dog is in.
When your dog’s tail is wagging with a right side (their right) bias, it means they are in a good state of mind, either happy, curious, or otherwise positive mind set. Are you about to give them a treat? Did you just get home, and they are happy to see you? The tail wag should be wagging more towards their right side. Look for it the next time you treat your pupper!
If your dog is wagging their tail with a left side bias, this is generally seen as a negative situation, possibly encountering an unfamiliar dog or other animal or situation that they are unsure of.
If you dog’s tail goes straight up, or is held high and sometimes with a slight curve towards the front, that is a sign of dominance, and also a positive demeanor. Medium height can indicate curiosity or interest in their surroundings. A tail held low, or even beneath them (such as tucked up between the rear legs) means your dog is feeling stress, submission, and sometimes fear.

What is most fascinating about these characteristics relates to dogs that have docked tails. Because dogs use their tails to communicate and be communicated to, they cannot get a proper read on a dog with a docked tail. Almost 1/3 of domestic breeds have some form of docked or shortened tails. These dogs can experience more aggression towards them, and are prone to more aggressive attacks from other dogs.
The next time you are out on a walk with your dog, watch their tail! It could give you a lot of information on how they are feeling.
This is our dog Brooke She mostly wags right.
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